1000 Books FAQs

Because your child's learning starts at birth! Did you know: 

  • By age 3, a child's brain has reached 80 percent of its adult volume
  • The brain develops most rapidly during the first 1,000 days of a child's life
  • A toddler's brain creates up to two million new connections every second
  • A child's ability to learn language skills is greatest before the age of six
  • Early literacy skills impact on educational, social, and occupational success.

1000 Books Before Kindergarten offers you an intentional way to incorporate shared reading experiences into everyday life. Shared reading helps your child: 

  • Develop a habit of reading
  • Create positive reading experiences
  • Develop confidence
  • Experience warm and nurturing interactions with adults they care about
  • Bond with their family

Do we have to keep track of the titles of each book we read? 

  • Enter the book title in READsquared and it will keep track for you
  • Or use paper trackers to colour in one dot to represent each book read
    Printable Tracking Sheets:  1002003004005006007008009001000!

Can we count books that we have read more than once? 

Absolutely! Children love repetition and it helps develop their early literacy skills! Reading Good Night Moon by Margaret Wise Brown 5 times, counts as 5 books read.   

Can we count books that have been read to my child by someone else (for example, a librarian, babysitter, sibling, etc.)? 

Yes! All books read to your child count. 

How long will it take? 

1000 books may seem like a lot, but if you read just one book a night, you'll meet your goal in less than 3 years. If you read three books a night, you could reach your goal in one year! 

  • 3 books a day for 1 year = 1,095 books
  • 1 book a day for 3 years = 1,095 books

Who can participate in this program?
Any child from birth until Kindergarten

What if my child is already in school? 

This program is designed specifically for children who are not yet in school, so they won't be eligible to register, but you can absolutely set a goal to read 1000 books or more with them!  

How many of my children can participate? 

All of them (if they have not started Kindergarten)! Reading as a family is fun! 

My child likes to move and won't sit for an entire story. Does it still count? 

Yes! Moving and exploring the world around them is how children learn. Tip: Try reading interactive books or books that require the reader to participate.  

Is there a required reading list? 

No. Any book counts! If you would like suggestions, ask Library staff, borrow a 1000 BBK Book Bundle or explore some of our curated booklists

Is 1000 BBK compatible with the Library's Summer Reading Club (SRC)? 

Yes! The time you spend reading books for 1000BBK count towards your SRC goal.

What else can I do to help my child get ready for reading?

  • In addition to reading daily with your child, you can also: 
  • Read, Write, Talk, Sing, and Play at home every day - get additional tips and resources here!
  • Attend a story time live or online free at the Library
  • Play with your child in our children's areas
  • Check out one of our 1000BBK Book Bundles

Do you have tips on how to read with my child or what type of books to choose? 

With infants and toddlers: 

  • Choose books that young children can't harm when they put them in their mouths
  • Encourage your baby to explore books using all their senses
  • Talk about the pictures
  • Choose books that have rhymes, repetition, and catchy refrains
  • Create routines for family story time (such as at bedtime)

With preschoolers: 

  • Use books as conversation starters
  • Ask what and why questions - they are wonderful prompts for discussion
  • Encourage your child to ask questions about the stories
  • Choose stories whose themes interest or resonate with your child
  • Choose books that have rhymes, repetition, and catchy refrains


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