Book Review: From the Ashes: My Story of Being Métis, Homeless, and Finding My Way

By Jesse Thistle

5 Stars

The book is extremely heartwarming at the end. There is a strong message about Truth and Reconciliation, which got me tearing up. Mainly, Justice, Health, and Education were the biggest aspects of the book, which made me feel a lot of emotions, which said, "Please make the right decision, Jesse!". It is a book about the author and how he found his way out of a world and a dark, dark time of prejudice, discrimination, and cruelty. I think this book needs to be talked about in schools in terms of truth and reconciliation, which is very important to have knowledge of. I was extremely happy for Jesse and how he turned his life around at the end of the book, becoming such a huge inspiration for all. There are some parts of the book that are extremely saddening. A lot of social issues take place, and some very strong poems before a few chapters, which deliver powerful memoirs and messages. Every chapter of the book has a symbolic title, and of course, those titles had me craving for the next page to come and what Jesse was going to decide so as to survive the hard times he was going through. This includes who he will trust and what the future will hold. At the end of the book, Jesse is seen as an inspiration and an awesome motivation in terms of getting through the hardest of times and coming from the ashes. So, even the title of the book has a heartwarming meaning behind it. The book is an amazing, heartwarming, and rather inspiring story! 

Reviewed by Rameen 

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