By J.K. Rowling
5 Stars
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, written by J.K. Rowling, is about a special boy who possesses talent beyond imagination. One day, Harry receives a letter which has been confiscated by his reckless aunt and uncle; ever since then, letters started pouring in from every direction. On Harry's eleventh birthday, a letter has been delivered by a giant man named Rubeus Hagrid. Hagrid tells Harry about the wonderful news: Harry is a wizard, and he has the chance to go to the school of witchcraft and wizardry, HOGWARTS!
I think Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone is an outstanding book. Once I started reading it, I couldn't put it down. I love this book for all it is. It is a magical experience to read this. At first, the book seemed slow, but I assure you, when you get into the good stuff you can't get out, this book is a must-read. People ages eight and up should read this book so that you can get the full experience and really picture this book in your brain. And if you are not sure whether you want to read this, no problem. If you love fantasy, magic and wizards, then you will love this book, guaranteed, but I don't really like any of these topics, and I still loved it. Thankfully, there are 6 more books to read if you are interested. Overall, this book helped me learn topics I may have never known I loved, and it gave me a bigger capacity to imagine when I read future books.
Reviewed by Dylan
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