Book Review: Haunted Canada: True Ghost Stories

By Pat Hancock 

5 Stars

This book is filled with many bone-chilling ghost stories. Each and every one of them revolves around a specific location that is said to be haunted. I must say, every time I would see that one of the ghost stories revolved around an area close to where I lived, I couldn't help but become even more intrigued than I was at the fact every one of these ghost stories took place in Canada. Pat Hancock shows an awesome understanding of re-telling the most spine-tingling of ghost stories. Every story in the book is well collected and provides a wide variety of new horror-based interests to horror lovers, all through Pat Hancock's skill at re-telling! I found that after I read all the stories, I had more interest in haunted houses and hotels, which all the Haunted Canada books do a great job representing. Some of the stories in the book Haunted Canada: True Ghost Stories tend to have such terrifying plots. What I find the scariest about this book is that all the stories in it are said to be true. With such heart-wrenching, twisted and chilling turns in every story, I was always left wondering what would have happened if I was in the story itself. Overall, the book, with its scary, brilliantly re-told stories, is most definitely a must-read for everyone who loves horror. The book even influences the reader to gain some new interest in horror!   

Reviewed by Rameen 

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