Book Review: Watch Us Rise

By Renee Watson 

5 Stars 

Watch Us Rise tells the journey of two high school teens, Jasmine and Chelsea, as they deal with the difficulties of sexism, racism, and body image in their school. It is an inspiring and thought-provoking book. They formed a Women's Rights Club and utilized their voices to advocate for change because they were fed up with the lack of representation and discrimination they experienced. They challenge the current system through poems, blogs, and art and encourage people to embrace their identities. The transforming power of art and its effects on society are also highlighted in the book.  


This book explores activism, self-confidence and the influence of young people's voices. Anyone who cares deeply about social justice and equality should read this novel. The novel Watch Us Rise is strong and motivating. I liked how well-developed, sympathetic characters encourage people to accept their individuality and work toward equality. The way it is written is captivating and effectively addresses important social issues. This book will inspire thought, reflection, and a sense of empowerment that can bring about change. One thing I liked about the book is the quote they used: "Watch us shut it down. Watch us break it loose. Watch us rise." This quote summarizes the book and is an excellent inclusion to the reader. This quote motivates and encourages you to fight, have a positive mentality, and boost confidence that you can do it! Overall, Watch Us Rise is a terrific book with a message of empowerment and the capacity to motivate readers to change their own lives and the lives of others. 


Reviewed by Harini 

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