Video Game Review: Mortal Kombat 11

by NetherRealm Studios 

5 Stars

When Mortal Kombat (MK) was first introduced, it had the reputation in the 1990s of being "that fighting game where you rip people's heads off." It is better known for its gore and violence than for its gameplay. Things have changed since then, with MK9 and MKX raising the level of gameplay to match the level of violence. That upward trend continues with Mortal Kombat 11, which is not only the best Mortal Kombat yet, but also arguably NetherRealm's best game to date. This is one of the most comprehensive fighting games available, with single and multiplayer modes that will keep both casual and hardcore audiences entertained for a long time. The combat in Mortal Kombat stands out among 2D fighters in that it has two punch buttons, two kick buttons, and a block button for combat. This is actually more unusual than it appears. Other 2D fighters typically have a mix of light, medium, and/or heavy attacks, with weaker attacks linking into stronger attacks, but Mortal Kombat does not. MK instead uses a "dial-a-combo" system that requires knowledge of very specific button combinations to build a combo. It's not the most user-friendly combat system for newcomers, but Mortal Kombat 11 includes one of the best fighting game tutorials I've ever seen. It covers everything from basic fundamentals to advanced techniques like frame traps, jailing, and block strings, all while emphasizing key concepts and techniques with instructions on how to use these techniques made clear. Overall, it's the best Mortal Kombat (MK) game right now, and the upcoming Mortal Kombat 1 will be even better, but for now, I give MK 11 a 10/10.   

Reviewed by Yusuf 

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