Teen Volunteering

Get involved with your library

  • Apply to be a Teen Reviewer and write reviews for books, movies and more! 
  • Become a member of the Teen Advisory Group.
  • The Friends of the Library are a community volunteer organization responsible for operating two seasonal book sales each year that provide fundraising support to the Library system. Volunteering with the Friends of the Library is a great way to achieve your Community Service hours!
  • Are you 15 years or older and looking to volunteer at the Library? Join our Reading Buddies team and help a child in grade JK - 4 improve their confidence and reading skills. For more information, please contact Michelle Dicaire at (905) 579-6111 extension 5252. Teens who volunteer can earn community service hours towards their high school diploma.

Get a Library Card

Get access to all the great resources the library has to offer!

Upcoming Teen Programs

Upcoming OPL Programs

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