Book Review: The Hawthorne Legacy

By Jennifer Lynn Barnes 

4 Stars

The Hawthorne Legacy is the follow-up to Jennifer Lynn Barnes's young adult mystery/thriller series The Inheritance Games. This chapter continues the tale of Avery Kylie Grambs, a young woman who was unexpectedly left a billion-dollar fortune by the intriguing donor Tobias Hawthorne. In The Hawthorne Legacy, Avery searches for Tobias Hawthorne II, also known as "Toby," Tobias's son. The Hawthorne family believed Toby had perished in a fire two decades prior. However, Avery knows him as "Harry," a homeless man she used to play chess with. Finding Toby/Harry is the major goal of The Hawthorne Legacy. Avery Kylie Grambs, who has inexplicably inherited a $1 billion fortune from Texas billionaire Tobias Hawthorne, is the protagonist of the novel The Hawthorne Legacy. Avery, who was raised in poverty, must spend a year residing in the opulent Hawthorne House in order to collect her money. During this time, she is only permitted to spend three nights away from the mansion; else, the inheritance would be lost. The book continues from where The Inheritance Games left off. Avery learns towards the end of the first book that Tobias's son Toby, long thought to be dead, is actually still alive and residing in Connecticut as Harry, an unhoused man whom she used to play chess with. But Toby/Harry runs away from Avery's attempts to find him because he doesn't want to be found.   

The Hawthorne Legacy follows Avery's development from a passive object that the Hawthorne boys regard as a clue in one of their family games to an active actor and player in the game. Her legal emancipation, which takes place in the book's final chapter, serves as the symbolic conclusion to her path toward adulthood. Avery develops her bond with Jameson during the story. The two have developed a deep romantic connection by the end of the novel. Overall, this book continues the same charm and mystical characters found in the first book, and overall, this book is my favourite so far in the series; highly recommended! 


Reviewed by Manaal 

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