Did you know that Oshawa Public Libraries is a registered charity? Monetary donations are greatly appreciated and tax receipts will be issued for donations of $25.00 and over.
- Make a financial gift to the Library in memory of a reader or to honour a special person
- Consider a bequest to help ensure continued Library service for future generations
- Encourage the company or business where you work to match a personal or group donation
Whether big or small, your donations can have a lasting and positive impact on your library and your community. Public libraries change lives!
Ways to Give
One of the easiest ways to give is to donate online via CanadaHelps.

You can also make a donation by:
- visiting your local branch
- calling us at (905) 579-6111, ext. 5213
- mailing or presenting our Donation Form to Oshawa Public Libraries, 65 Debwewin Miikan (formerly Bagot Street), Oshawa, ON L1H 1N2